5th. Transdigital Virtual Congress
The 5th Transdigital Virtual Congress: Disruptive technologies and society, is an initiative of the Research Society on Digital Studies. This edition will be conducted entirely virtually on October 25 - 26, 2024. The aim is to bring together partial or conclusive results of empirical and documentary research, as well as scientific essays on issues and challenges involving digital technology and digital transformation. The 5th Transdigital Virtual Congress is aimed at researchers, teachers of all types and levels of the educational system, undergraduate and graduate students, educational managers, directors, and other professionals interested in empirical and documentary research on technology and digital transformation.
People interested in being speakers at the 5th. Transdigital Virtual Congress may send an unpublished text that presents partial or final results of empirical research, documental research or scientific essays on the incorporation of technology in any social field.
Texts can be sent in either Spanish or English.
Download the format to send your empirical research report or documentary researh report in English here.
Download the template to submit your scientific essay in English here.
Short academic video
People interested in being speakers at the 5th Transdigital Virtual Congress and whose texts are accepted must submit a video with a duration of between one and three minutes highlighting the summary of their article. The submission deadline is September 13, 2024 and can be made by email or with a file management service in the "cloud" such as Google Drive, DropBox, etc. The short academic videos will be exhibited on the Transdigital Youtube Channel.
At the end of the 5th. Transdigital Virtual Congress several certificates will be awarded by email:
Attendance certificate.
Speaker certificate.
Publication in the Transdigital publishing house
The texts accepted in the 5th. Transdigital Virtual Congress will be published as a scientific book chapter in the Transdigital publishing house (www.editorial-transdigital.org) in December 2024 as an open access document.
If you require additional information about the Transdigital Virtual Congress 2024, please send a message and the organization will contact you.